I never aspired to work in this industry but when my husband and I separated, I had to make some decisions about how to support my 4 kids. So I followed in my dad’s footsteps. He has been a labourer with L U Simon for 25 years now.
I knew I had big shoes to fill. But I am my dad’s daughter and so I always worked hard.
When the guys on-site saw me flipping bins into the skips, they suggested I sweep instead. But I’m here to work the same as anyone else and I’m capable of doing anything the guys are doing.
On one site I worked on somebody asked the site manager “What kind of ship are you running if your best labourer is a girl?” he said ‘What can I say? She’s a gun!”
Don’t get me wrong, I was highly intimidated when I first started. I was the only woman out of 400 workers on-site.
100% there’s a misperception in this industry about women.
What I love most is the people. I love my job and I am proud of the work that I do. There are also other jobs I would love to do in construction too. I would love to do my dogman and riggers course.
“I love my job and I am proud of the work that I do.”

As far as being a mum, I feel completely supported by L U Simon. They have allowed me to work flexibly and that is huge.
When I first started in this industry my daughters were horrified! “You don’t look good in those colours Mum! Don’t do it!” But these days? All three girls want to work with Mum! They say things like “Mum if I do my tickets, can I come work in construction?.”
It’s still so hard for women to get into this industry full stop. There’s no chance in hell that I would have got in if it weren’t for Dad.
It would be SO good to see more women working in construction.