Know a young woman interested in a career in construction?

Construction jobs and career pathways

Building and construction is one of the largest and most exciting industries in this country, employing more than one million people. Career opportunities are diverse, ranging from carpentry and tiling through to architecture and project management.  

As a parent, teacher, or guidance counsellor, you have an important part to play in steering young women towards rewarding careers. Whether she knows exactly what she wants to do, and needs more information on how to get there, or is still exploring options that suit her skills, Job Outlook can help you make an informed decision together.  

With more than 70 careers to chose from, there’s sure to be one that suits. 

Open up a world of equal opportunity

We may not realise it, but our views on the suitability of certain fields, such as construction, can be formed by out-dated stereotypes that no longer apply.

Consider your daughter’s interests and strengths. Does she like making things with her hands? Is she a creative and critical thinker who loves solving problems? Does she enjoy STEM topics at school? Is she a good communicator with leadership qualities? If the answer to these questions is ‘yes’, a career in the dynamic construction industry might be a great choice.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Australia’s growing population is creating demand for construction services that is outpacing the growth in the industry’s workforce. Construction businesses are increasingly finding themselves seeking out alternative sources of labour and expanding the workforce to include more women makes sense. The industry needs to draw from the widest pool of talent the country has to offer. This places women at the forefront of addressing the skills shortage for decades to come.

The building and construction industry is one of the most stringently monitored industries in Australia when it comes to occupational health and safety (OH&S). Employers and unions work to enforce these laws on sites to protect workers’ safety, while health and safety authority (WorkSafe) has legal powers to investigate and inspect workplace safety concerns. If a worksite is deemed unsafe, it will be shut down until the issue is fixed.

There is no doubt that construction is a physically demanding occupation, although this varies greatly between roles and projects. These physical demands may explain the low level of female participation in the industry in the past but there is little doubt that women are increasingly undertaking careers in many male dominated industries – just think of the fire services, police force, defence jobs and professional football! Further, the suite of tools and assistive technologies now commonly used means that very few construction jobs, if any, require a level of strength beyond most women.

Chat to a Training & Careers Advisor

Industry professionals with real-world experience are available to answer your questions or help to match young women with careers that best suit their interests and skills.